Jun 14, 2015

How to run multiple sites on one Apache

Assuming we have two sites to configure in Apache

<VirtualHost *>
        ServerAdmin webmaster@example1.com
        ServerName  www.example1.com
        ServerAlias example1.com

        # Indexes + Directory Root.
        DirectoryIndex index.html
        DocumentRoot /home/www/www.example1.com/htdocs/

<VirtualHost *>
        ServerAdmin webmaster@example2.com
        ServerName  www.example2.com
        ServerAlias example2.com

        # Indexes + Directory Root.
        DirectoryIndex index.html
        DocumentRoot /home/www/www.example2.com/htdocs/

Configure Hosts File in Windows:

The Hosts file in Windows is located at the following location:

Suppose your system IP is:

Add the following to the Hosts File: example1.com example2.com www.example1.com www.example2.com

Restart Apache

Now your Apache runs the two multiple sites

You can access example1.com and example2.com respectively

Access Default Site when Server Name/Alias mismatches

When you have multiple sites (multiple conf files) in conf.d, you can create a default conf file

If Apache finds difficulty in finding the site, it defaults to
The following defaults to www.example1.com in case of any conflicts

<VirtualHost *>
        ServerAdmin webmaster@example1.com
        ServerName  www.example1.com
        ServerAlias example1.com

        # Indexes + Directory Root.
        DirectoryIndex index.html
        DocumentRoot /home/www/www.example1.com/htdocs/

How to simulate the conflict state where Apache not able to find the correct site conf file

For two different sites, give the same ServerName
          ServerName  www.test.com
          ServerName  www.test.com

If you try to access www.test.com, Apache gets CONFUSED to pick which sites conf file (whether to choose test1_http.conf or test2_http.conf)

So Apache picks the top conf file (as per naming order) defined above aaa_http.conf
So you are re-directed to www.example1.com (as defined in aaa_http.conf  


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