May 19, 2020

Python itertools

# Itertools
# Iterate over data structures that can be stepped over using a for-loop.
# Such data structures are also known as iterables.
# Itertools are more readable, fast, memory-efficient
# provides various functions that work on iterators to produce complex iterators.
# Infinite iterators: count, cycle, repeat
# Finite iterators: chain, compress, dropwhile

import itertools

# 1) Count - Infinite iterator
# print the first four even numbers
result = itertools.count(start = 0, step = 2)
for number in result:
if number < 8:
print (number)

# Output:
# 0
# 2
# 4
# 6

# 2) Cycle - Infinite iterator
result = itertools.cycle('test')
counter = 0
for each in result:
if counter > 10:
counter += 1

# Output:
# t
# e
# s
# t
# t
# e
# s
# t
# t
# e
# s

# 3) Repeat - Infinite iterator
result = itertools.repeat('test', 2)
for each in result:

# Output:
# test
# test

# 1) Chain - Finite iterator
l1 = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']
l2 = ['ddd', 'eee', 'fff']
result = itertools.chain(l1, l2)
for each in result:

# Output:
# aaa
# bbb
# ccc
# ddd
# eee
# fff

# 2) Compress - Finite iterator
l1 = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']
l2 = [True, False, False]
result = itertools.compress(l1, l2)
for each in result:

# Output:
# aaa

# 3) Dropwhile - Finite iterator
# keeps on dropping values from the iterable until it encounters the first element
def is_positive(n):
return n > 0
value_list =[5, 6, -8, -4, 2]
result = list(itertools.dropwhile(is_positive, value_list))

# Output:
# [-8, -4, 2]

# 4) groupby
ll = [("aaa", 1), ("aaa", 2), ("bbb", 3), ("bbb", 4)]
# Key function
key_func = lambda y: y[0]

for key, group in itertools.groupby(ll, key_func):
print(key + " :", list(group))

# Output:
# aaa : [('aaa', 1), ('aaa', 2)]
# bbb : [('bbb', 3), ('bbb', 4)]

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